Challenge Brief - Ostrero
Our challenge to you is to:
Design a product or service that will DESIGN OUT WASTE in your school
Why does this matter?
We’re sure you know - we’re living in a Climate Emergency where animals, plants and the atmosphere are suffering because of human activity.
A huge part of the problem is caused by how much we BUY and how much we WASTE. Stuff is taken out of the ground, made into something that we use and then thrown away, without worrying too much about where it will end up.
What could my product or service be?
Start by thinking about when and where there is the most waste in your school. Is it at lunchtime, break time or in the classroom? Is it in how people get to school or in the things that they bring in their packed lunches and schoolbags? You could design anything that cuts down on waste at home or at school, such as:
Multi-functional furniture or playground equipment
Vehicles to get people to and from school
Food to compost
What food is served in and how
Halloween/World Book Day costume sharing service
There are so many choices - we can’t wait to hear your ideas!
Dates for your diary:
Monday 24th October 2022 - Launch
Thursday 27th October 2pm – 2.30pm - Talk and Q and A
With Mary from Ostrero about the challenge on Google Meets.
Monday 31st October 9.30am – 10am - Design Sprint:
An introduction to design thinking via Google Meet
Monday 31st October - Empathy
Tuesday 1st November - Research
Wednesday 2nd November - Reflect and Refine
Thursday 3rd November - Prototype
Friday 4th November - Share
(if you would like to - open to all)
If you would like to join the talk with Mary from Ostrero and / or the Design Sprint
please complete this Google form by clicking the button below:
For further information contact Clare Hoare, Creative Learning Officer at